6 Tips For Managing Your Time

The only thing I can figure is that I used to have a LOT of time.  Way before children, responsibilities and work, I must have had oodles and oodles of time.  Because now, after the rigors of life have wedged their spiny hooks deep within my flesh, I don’t know where to get more time.  That’s the way it is for many of us as leaders, isn’t it?  It’s as if we’re continually treading water…trying to keep our heads up and catch our breath.
In my 25+ years of working, leading, and treading; I’ve learned a few simple strategies for effectively managing my time.  Try these 6 tips out and let me know how they work for you.

Tip #1:  Make a List and Live By it! I make a list every morning prior to my work day.  Actually, I start it the night prior but always add to it when I start my day.  If it is not on my list, it usually doesn’t get done.  Conversely, if it is on my list it nearly ALWAYS gets done.   Truthfully, I always will start with the easy things on my list to build my momentum (and positive energy) and then will tackle the hard things.  This is the single best item I use for managing my time.

Tip #2:  Pick It Up and Do Something With It! If I pick up a piece of paper (or open an email) , I make myself do something with it.  I can’t put it down (or ignore the email) until I’ve actually taken some kind of action with it.  In the case of paper, this can be managed easily.  For email, I give myself set times to open up and go through so I am not continuously online, answering emails.  Even if the action is just putting it on the list, at least I’ve done something with it versus just letting it pile up.

Tip #3:  Avoid Shiny Objects! I can get distracted really easily.  If it’s shiny…I’m going to follow it!  One click of the mouse or flip of the dial and I’m not spending time being productive; I’m spending time in productivity limbo!  If you know something is (or can be a distraction) for you, do your best to avoid it (or at least limit your time on it).  Stay focused on what needs to be done.

Tip #4:  Beware of Scuttlebutt! Scuttlebutt in slang usage means rumor or gossip, deriving from the nautical term for the cask used to serve water.  For us, it can mean a HUGE waste of time.  Let’s face it, we ALL LOVE a little gossip but it can be a MAJOR distraction in getting work done and just getting along.  If people know you don’t gossip, they won’t bother wasting their time telling you the NEW gossip which, in turn,  means they won’t be wasting YOUR time!

Tip #5:  Make Time for YOUR People! No matter how busy you are, you (as a leader) must make time for your people.  Carve out 1 hour each day to walk around or meet with your team members.  A favorite boss of mine would schedule an hour each week for me where we would just talk about “issues” (work and otherwise).  By doing this, he garnered my trust, loyalty, and heart.  Time spent with your team is time well spent.

Tip #6:  Reward Yourself! All work and no play make YOU a dull person!  Reward yourself after you’ve done something on your list (or a couple of things on your list).  Rewards are personal; you know what YOU like.  Give in and find a little functionality in fun!  It will not only help keep your momentum going but all also help you keep a positive attitude!

In today’s world we are all busy!  I still work on finding more time but, as you know, time is a finite commodity – we only get so much of it.  With that being the case, I’ve found that by using these strategies I spend less time tying to find more time and more time effectively using the time I have.  Give them a try, I think you’ll find the same.

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