All Engines Ahead Full!

It was the Independence Day holiday weekend and all of my buddies were going out to paint the town.  It had been a long 10 weeks of training during Officer Candidate School and each of us had earned the privilege of going out to blow off some steam.  I, however, decided to stay in and study.  Our previous few days of lessons had been on ship’s navigation and on the Monday of our return was a comprehensive test on what we had learned as well as a practical exam using Maneuvering Boards (MOBOARDS).  Oh, how I hated MOBOARDS!  A line here, a vector there – all were important in navigating the ship but I never seemed to get it exactly right (and I had to if I was going to graduate with my class).   With hard work, time, and some help from some patient friends, I not only mastered MOBOARDS that weekend, but I also learned that any goal could be achieved with the right tools.  As you contemplate personal and professional aspirations this year, try using these three tools in navigating towards new opportunities.

Pick Your Point
The first step in navigating is to pick, exactly, where you are going.  It can’t be in generalities, it has to be written down as specifically as possible.  Let’s look at it like this:  If you were leaving Norfolk, Virginia and sailing to Brisbane, Australia, you wouldn’t just pick Australia as your navigation point.  There’s no telling where you would end up (if you’d even hit the right continent).  The same goes for setting your personal (and team) goals – the point we are navigating to should be specific.  Imagine it, visualize it, write it down and let others know where you are going.

Get Your Fix
Before we set sail and in order to lay a good course, we have to know where we currently are.  I would recommend using Dead Reckoning.  Dead reckoning is the process of estimating one’s current position based upon a previously determined position, or fix, and advancing that position based upon known speed, elapsed time, and course.  Before you pull anchor, you need to make an HONEST assessment of where you are.   Questions that should be asked when figuring your position are:  What are my strengths and weaknesses?    Who do I need help from?  What do I need more of  in order to hit my goal?   Those questions have to be answered honestly if your course is going to be true – failure to know your current point of reference will cause your course to be WAY off and possibly run aground.  Get your fix!

All Engines Ahead Full
With your current fix and destination known, it is time to set sail.  Don’t hesitate, call down to the engine room, order the command “ALL ENGINES AHEAD FULL” and start moving towards your navigation point.  Without that command, obviously, you aren’t going to go anywhere!   While sailing your course, you may have to throttle back the engines  in order to get a new fix – that’s acceptable and necessary.  What shouldn’t happen is to order the command, “STOP ENGINES” – unless, of course, collision is imminent (which is highly unlikely if you are continually getting your fix).  Keep your engines ahead prevents drifting aimlessly in the open sea.

I mastered MOBOARDS with a clear goal, a good fix, and the “engine power” to move to my destination.  Every point I’ve identified for navigation to since that time has been approached in the same way and so can your points.  But, like I said, I did have some help from my shipmates (Navy term for friend).  Some MOBOARDS are so complex that it takes a team of people to figure out the course.  Never hesitate to accept assistance from your shipmates – you’ll, undoubtedly, enjoy a smoother sail.   Don’t wait: Throttle those engines and navigate towards your goals today!

Remember: Every day is a New Year with the right perspective!

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