Have a Donut Policy

CommunicateWHAT!?  Why didn’t I know this?  My door is always open!

Recently, I heard from a former student and he relayed to me how, in a staff meeting, his new boss let the staff know he had an open door policy.   The boss then explained the parameters of the policy, “I have an open door policy. Just make sure you clear it through your supervisor first and set up an appointment. I don’t want anyone to just ‘pop’ in whenever they feel like it.”  My former student then stated, “I think my boss is a little confused on what an open door policy is.”  Unfortunately, an open door (or a policy to go with it) isn’t enough to keep up on what is going on around you (and this type of policy certainly doesn’t encourage an open exchange).

I personally think that if you have to state you have an “open door policy” you don’t have one.  What this manager really needs is not an “open door policy” but a “donut policy.”  What’s a donut policy?   It’s where you bring in a dozen once a week, throw them on the table in the break room, and hang out for a while.  Let’s face it, donuts:

  • Have a magnetic force that draw people from their cubicles.
  • Encourage people to engage in conversation while eating them.
  • Make the coffee taste better.

If you have a Donut policy, you don’t need an open door policy.  With a donut policy, you learn about what’s going on, get to know your people and, through the power of the tastiness, they’ll know you’re accessible enough to walk through your door when a problem arises.   Don’t wait!  Pick up a dozen of “nature’s perfect food” and connect today!

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