YOU Are the Guide Ship!

As we pulled alongside the guide ship in our small frigate to transfer fuel and supplies, I worked and watched (in amazement) at a symphony of coordinated efforts that ensured the entire Underway Replenishment (UNREP) was executed with 100% accuracy.  Lines, cables, people and both ships had to be in perfect alignment for this to happen without incident.  UNREPs aren’t easy but they are important in carrying out the Navy’s mission and for ships to remain at sea for prolonged periods of time without a friendly port to pull into.

We, as leaders, are the guide ships for the teams we have carrying out missions at sea.  If those missions are to be accomplished, we need to ensure the flawless transfer of what our teams need when they need it.   To make each mission at sea a success, it takes great communication and a coordinated effort.  Ensure each mission is a success with these targets of opportunity.

Continually do “COMMS” checks.  Can your team hear you?  Can YOU hear your team?  What are the methods you are using to communicate to your team?  Solid and accurate communications ensure the transfer of what is needed.  If they need fuel and you are transferring “sliders” (hamburgers), the evolution is pointless.  As the guide, it is paramount that we keep our communication lines open at all times so that we can “be there” when needed.

Sail the waters that ensure you can be approached.  If you are always in rough waters, you will only be approached when the situation is desperate (which may be too late).  As the guide, we make ourselves available when needed.  Signal your availability by letting others know you are in the area and that you have what they need to make their mission a success.

Romeo Corpen is the call that goes out to set the course that the ships are traveling alongside each other.  Using bridge to bridge transmissions, we communicate where we are going so that we are in perfect alignment as we sail.  Even a degree of miscommunication on our course can result in disaster with either our lines for the transfer snapping or our crashing into each other.   Set the course, stay the course, and be in perfect alignment.

Equally important as course is Romeo Speed – the speed at which we sail during the mission.  We, as the guide, set the pace.  If the receiving ship falls too far ahead or behind, the transfer will end in disaster.  If we need to speed up, communicate it.  If we need to slow down, communicate it.  YOU are the guide ship and YOU set the pace!

As the guide ship, we assist in ensuring the success of the missions that support the end goal.  When our team needs guidance, we give it.  When they need hope, we toss the line.  When they are in need of the fuel to keep going, we transfer it without delay.  The whole of our success depends on how well we navigate the waters and yes, invariably, there will be times when we will travel through rough seas but with solid communications and coordination we’ll make it through, together.  At home, at work, or in the community, we are all leaders.  Step Up, Step Out, and Be The Guide!

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