Leading Through The Zombie Apocalypse

Beware, it’s coming….the zombie apocalypse! Ok, probably not, but 2017 is sure to throw you a challenge or two in leading others through change.

On this past season of the “Walking Dead” (yes, I’m a “dead fan”) a leader emerged of a group of survivors called the “Saviors.” His name is Negan. And, although he is the “bad guy” in the series, I really like the way he leads (aside from his sociopathic tendencies). Having lead teams through some pretty trying times myself, I know it takes a little bit of moxie to push to the next level of performance. And, like the characters on the show, you can either run away from a challenge or engage.

I’m not going to give you the whole rundown of the past season of the show (I do recommend watching it) but here are some traits we can pull from Negan’s leadership playbook to make 2017 the best year ever.

What does Negan do?

He communicates the expectation. With Negan, you know what needs to be done, where you stand, and what will happen if it doesn’t get done (as what will happen if it does). You can’t be upset if people don’t meet your expectations if you don’t let them know what the expectation is.  Don’t assume people know what you know. Fully communicate the expectation.

He Makes Decisions. Being in the middle of a zombie apocalypse requires quick decisions to be made. Right or wrong, people want decisions made. Further, they NEED to be made. Believe me, not all of the decisions made will be right (nor will everyone agree with them (much like Negan). Consult the team, take the best information you have at the time, listen to your gut, and then make the call. The difference between a good leader and a great leader is made in the moments needed to make a decision.

He is consistent. There is no grey area with Negan. There isn’t one set of rules for one person and a different set for another. People appreciate consistency. Moreover, they need it. Be the stable force when everything else is going to hell.

He inspires common purpose. If you were to ask any member of Negan’s team who Negan is, any one of them would answer, “I am Negan.”   No one member of the team is so important that he can’t be replaced by another. Develop those around you so that your absence isn’t felt.

He pushes people to do more. Although the consequences of not performing are a little harsh with Negan (did I mention he is a sociopath?), he pushes them to give more the next time. We all like the status quo. That’s not bad, it’s just human nature. When your team hits the mark, challenge them to push a little more the next time. I would recommend a positive reinforcer as a motivator rather than beating them with a baseball bat (like Negan).

He listens to the whole story. Even if the expectation isn’t met, Negan always gives the opportunity to explain why. Most times, as leaders, we’re listening to respond rather listening to hear. Stop, shut up, and really listen to what’s being said. Then say what needs to be said. ‘Nuff said.

He has a dash of charisma. Charisma isn’t really needed to lead people but it sure doesn’t hurt. Even as bad as Negan is, I can’t help but like him. You might not think you have the charisma of a great leader.   You don’t need to be larger than life, you only have to be you. Share your story, share a laugh, and step up to the front. That’s all the charisma you need.

He mixes in a bit of fun. Even though Negan’s method of fun is a bit sadistic, he still has it. I’ve rarely had a job where I woke up relishing the thought of doing it. I have, however, looked forward to working with people that didn’t take themselves too seriously and tried to make the best of a crappy situation. We, as leaders, set the tone and the pace. Create the kind of atmosphere where you would want to work.

As I’ve shared before, leading people isn’t all lollipops and cotton candy. It’s a lot of work. Rewarding, yes, but a lot of work. It gets even hairier when you’ve got challenges on the horizon and have to get your team to push further than they ever had to before. It may not be the zombie apocalypse but it can certainly feel like you’re leading the dead. You can run away or engage.

For 2017, take some tips from Negan and engage straight on. Leaders that stay in motion tend to have teams that stay in motion (but leave the baseball bat at home).

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