Do You Want To Bounce Back?

“What’s my big idea?” I asked the fortune teller as she took the tarot deck from me. As she laid the cards out and read them she said, “What I see is…you using all of the hurtles you’ve had to jump in your life and helping others get past their own crap.”


I don’t normally put much stock into the tarot card world but (it was something fun to do at the end of a day when Gwen and I were at a festival) this was it!

Immediately after she was done, I went onto GoDaddy to see if the domain names were available and, as fate would have it, they were. I bought every crap domain that I thought applied and secretly thought to myself, “Either this is the dumbest idea in the world or this is genius, Lutz” (I always talk to myself in the third person). When it’s my own idea, I always opt on the side of genius.

But, the fortune teller was right. I have gone through a LOT of crap in my life. Health issues, financial issues, relationship issues, and just life issues. Through them all, as a leader, I’ve still had to show up and be there for my team. It would be nice if we could separate ourselves from our crap when we show up to work but we can’t. Why? Because we’re whole people and life just doesn’t freakin’ work like that. We have to have strategies to get past the crap!

That’s how my new book came about and I can’t wait to share it with you when it comes out in January. This is my fifth book and the one I’m most proud of. So, in January, be on the look out for…

GET PAST THE CRAP! Lead Yourself First. Bounce Back. Get SH*T DONE!


As a leader, you’ll get strategies on how to…

Lead Yourself First. Maybe you have trouble saying no to requests. Perhaps you take on the weight of the world while others are are on responsibility “diets”. Or, maybe you just are sitting in a big puddle of was…wishing you could do something different but you just don’t know what. Regardless of what’s weighing you down, you aren’t near as effective with your team if you’re not taking care of yourself first. I know, I’ve been there, done that, and have tear stains on my pillow to prove it.

Bounce Back. It only takes one life event to take you to the brink and, without solid strategies on how to work through the crap life serves you, it’s easy to stay curled up in the fetal position crying for your Mom to come save you. Resilient leaders bounce back fast and keep coming back for more. As General George Custer said, “It’s not how many times you get knocked down that count, it’s how many times you get back up.” I’ve been knocked down more than most and I keep bouncing back and asking for more.

Get SH*T Done! Theory is nice but application is what works. Nothing always nets nothing but doing something puts us on a path to possibility. In the end, we’re all trying to go somewhere and get shit done but, sometimes, it’s the shit that gets in our way. Get past it!

We all have crap we have to deal with in life. We can let it control us or we can find some ways to control it and get past it. I like to opt for the latter and I know you do too. Email me to keep apprised on how you can get this book and some free gifts too!

A little video background on the book:

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