Don’t Run Someone Else’s Race With Eric McElvenney

Resilience!  What is it?  Do you have it?  Is it your ability to bounce back, your ability to not take “no” for an answer or a combination of the two (and an “ass ton” of other things)?  My guest this week is Eric McElvenney.  He’s a combat veteran and an Iron Man Triathlete!  He shares his own story about overcoming obstacles, what it means to be resilient, and how you shouldn’t get caught up in running someone else’s race.  This isn’t an average interview with an average person…it’s a little bit (no A LOT) more!  Grab your notepad and enjoy!

More on Eric…

Eric is an endurance athlete living in Pittsburgh, PA. He earned a mechanical engineering degree from the United States Naval Academy while preparing for his service as a Marine Corps Infantry Officer. Eric deployed three times as a Marine and on his final tour, an incredible experience in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, was wounded after stepping on an IED. Eric suffered the amputation of his right leg below the knee, a life-changing opportunity that began his next journey.

Faced with a physical challenge and an uncertain future, Eric made a promise to himself to run an Ironman Triathlon. On his journey from the hospital bed in southern California to the finish line in Kona Hawaii, he realized that the challenge and adversity he was up against and the techniques he used to reach the finish line could be used against the challenges we all entertain. When not training, racing and delivering inspiration, Eric can be found with his wife, Rachel, and three children.

Check him out on his website:

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