Make a CHOICE For Personal Leadership With Jacy Imilkowski

Life is FULL of choices!  It was Victor Frankl who said, “Between stimulus and response there is a space.  In that space is our power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”  This week, you’re making a GREAT choice!  A choice to lead better by listening to my guest, Jacy Imilkowski.  We talk about personal leadership, knowing yourself and know how to connect with the people around you for maximum impact and performance.  Grab a writing gadget (technical term)…you’re going to want to get this stuff down!

More on Jacy …

Jacy Imilkowski PMP, CPCC, ACC is a captivating storyteller, self-admitted communication nerd, and champion of embracing humanity in the workplace. Through story, humor, and expertise she teaches everyday tools and skills for building the self-awareness and awareness of others; two of the key foundations of powerful personal leadership. Learn more at

When not working Jacy is a community volunteer, food and flower gardener, dog lover, and avid speculative fiction reader and fantasy reader. She always appreciates suggestions for books with wizards or lasers (or both). 

Connect with her on Linkedin and check out her website at:

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