Creating a Culture of Respect! With Mike Domitrz, CSP

Have you been watching the news?  From Harvey Weinstein to Senators, we are living in a time where leading with respect isn’t the norm, it’s been overlooked.  In my opinion, my friends, there’s never been a better time to have a conversation about creating a culture of respect then right now and there’s no better person to have it with than my guest this week, Mike Domitrz, CSP.  Mike has made it his life’s mission to help people and organizations create that kind of culture.  Get your notepad and pen….you’re going to want to take notes on what Mike is sharing in this episode.  Enjoy!

More on Mike…

For over a decade, Mike Domitrz has been inspiring individuals with his hilarious sense of humor and his uncanny ability to draw hard-hitting emotion from audiences. Schools, organizations, military bases and more constantly rave about what a lasting impact he has with his audience.

Why does Mike have such an intense passion and drive to share with people of all ages? In 1989, he received a phone call that his sister had been raped. As he held the phone tightly to his ears, he simply could not believe what he was hearing. Mike decided to make a difference. As he researched the issue of sexual assault and dating on college campuses, he constantly heard students complaining that most sexual assault seminars were boring and depressing. Mike knew what needed to be done.

With his background in entertainment, he created “Can I Kiss You?” – a fun, interactive, and thought-provoking program that focuses on why “asking first” makes all the difference. Since 1990, Mike has been motivating and igniting change around the world. Today, he is one of the most sought-after speakers, authors, and subject matter experts.

Find more out about Mike (AND BRING HIM IN TO YOUR ORGANIZATION) on his website:

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