It’s Not Stupid If It Works

The stench of sweat, mothballs and fear permeated the room as the timer went off and the instructor said, “Go!” It was our final locker inspection for my graduation from boot camp and we all needed to pass in order to move on to the next “adventure.” 80 sweaty, stinky, and desperate men sped to get all the items from their locker folded and stowed within millimeters of what had been given to us as the standard.

Through the cloud of anxiety, flurry of dripping sweat, and flying clothes, my Company Commander looked over and said, “LUTZ!? What are you doing!?” Yes, it looked crazy, but from the (what seemed like) thousands of items that needed to be put away, I had taken my skivvies (underwear) and placed them on the top of my head like a hat to keep them out of the way until I was ready to stow them. I replied sheepishly, “Sir, it keeps them out of the way!” He cocked his head, looked at me confused and then said, “Okay, if it works, DO IT!”

At that moment, I looked around and saw 80% of my teammates throwing their “tighty whities” on their head in an effort to achieve the goal. We, as a team, passed our inspection and moved to the next challenges that were put before us. Our leader knew that achievement came from empowerment, not exact direction.

Certainly, he had trained us, given the method, and told us the end result but he knew that the journey had to be ours to take and ours to own.

How about you?  Is your team in a funk? Moving your team from despair to dreams can be easier than you might think.

Step One: Show Them Most adults learn best through active participation–show them how to do what needs to be done. Model the behavior and attitude you want others to display. Live the values that embody who you are. These are the things that are needed to lay the ground work for success. All too often we, as leaders, assume that because we know something, our team members also know. Showing bridges the gap between what we think and what really is. It eases the stress of the unknown and ensures that each team member is on the same page from the very beginning. Showing is different from exact direction. Showing is coaching; showing is mentoring; showing is being a part of what is going on and signifies an investment in your people and the process.

Step Two: Tell Them As you show them, tell them what it means. What is the expectation? What is the standard? How is it going to look, feel, and be like when we “get there?” Clearly communicate the value of what is being done and how each person factors into the end result. We, as leaders, need to turn the radio dial to WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) and let our team know how what is being done benefits them. We also need to address the “why.” One of my favorite quotes is, “The person that knows how to do a job will always be employed but the person that knows why will always be his boss.” We should tell the “why” so that we are developing those around us to someday take the reins. Be clear, be concise, and tell them!

Step Three: Watch Them Once you have shown them the way and clearly explained the expectation, step back and watch your team come up with new ways to get there. If they start veering off course, give them a little latitude to explore new possibilities and then, if it seems like it’s not going to work, go back to steps one and two to get everyone back on track. Watch them spread their wings as they soar to new possibilities! Watch your team develop personally and professionally as you, gently, guide the way. Watch out! You will be amazed at the places you will go!

No matter where you are at in this process, don’t forget to have fun! You set the pace! If you want to foster a climate of increased creativity, innovation, and teamwork, the responsibility lies with the person in charge. Through active participation, communication, and empowering people to take control, you will create a climate that is high in confidence, resilience, and team satisfaction! So, get out there! Get your team wearing their underwear on their heads!

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