Command And Control Are Dead

“The days of command and control are over.” – Jim Bouchard

It was the Taoist philosopher, Lao Tzu, who said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step.”   And, my friends, we are taking that step this week with my good friend, Jim Bouchard, the Sensei Leader!

Jim takes Eastern philosophies and applies them to the much needed Western business world.  His total person approach to leading is the topic this week and, after you listen, I know you’ll agree with him that the “days of command and control are over.”  What’s needed is for us to step and be the Sensei!  Cheers!

More on Jim from Jim…

The world is changing and leaders must change with it. The days of “command and control” are over. People are demanding leaders who are emotionally intelligent and put the priorities of the people they serve above selfish ends. We call these “human-centric” leaders––and our movement is dedicated to developing, cultivating and supporting these leaders.

Leaders are people who transform themselves through their experiences, opportunities and challenges to become the people others count on for inspiration, guidance and action.

I’m a former drug addict and two time college dropout. I used to think that was a miserable resume for someone who trains leaders to be better people.

I now know that it is the perfect resume! Here’s why…

Leaders are made, not born. I’ll go a little further, leaders are transformed.

I transformed myself from a loser to a leader––from a drug abuser to a Black Belt, and later to Sensei. Over 25 years of teaching I helped hundreds of others transform themselves into Black Belts, and thousands more discover their best selves.

The Sensei has a very special relationship with followers…

It’s a relationship built on loyalty, trust and respect. The Sensei earns this loyalty and respect through mentoring, empathy and a dedication to guiding followers to develop their skills and talents and by inspiring them to cultivate their full potential.

I help you cultivate this type of relationship with your followers––at any level to help you become a more effective leader, and to bring out the best in your people and your organization.

Over 25 years of teaching I’ve helped hundreds of people transform themselves into Black Belts; I’ve helped thousands more discover their best selves by learning how to think like one.

I’m tough on the people who want to earn a Black Belt. I’m even tougher on people who want to become effective leaders.

A leader is someone with the ability to attract willing followers.

People not only come to me willingly––they pay me to be tough on them!

I’m tough––yet compassionate. People come to me willingly because they know I care. They know that helping them become their best is my highest priority.

I have no “secrets.” I’m willing to share everything I’ve learned, and everything I continue to learn about being a compassionate, courageous and effective leader––someone who makes a real difference in the lives of the people you serve.

Sensei literally means “one who went before.” What a powerful description of a leader––as long as you’re willing to walk the walk!

I help you earn the trust, respect and loyalty of the people in your care. I help you lead by example through authentic Mastery––becoming your best self.

I help you become a better leader by becoming a more effective mentor and teacher.

I help you become––the Sensei.

Connect with Jim (and listen to HIS podcast) on his website at:


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