What’s The Key To Leading Change?

Leading change isn’t easy!  Then again, neither is getting change back from my kids when I send them to the store with a $20.


If that’s the case, we need to show up and, truthfully, that’s the best present you can give your team… your actual presence!  You have to be on point if you’re going to lead change.

But, let’s face it, we live in busy times that are often very chaotic.  As leaders, we’re not just responsible for our own stuff…we’re responsible for other’s as well and it can be difficult to be on point and in the moment.

This week, I have the pleasure of talking with leadership expert and former Navy SEAL, Jeff Boss.  Jeff shares how to do just that…show up, be in the moment, and navigate the chaos that hits us every day.  Let’s kick back, learn to lead like a Boss, and make a difference for our teams!  CHEERS!

More on Jeff…

I’m a principal and senior advisor at N2Growth specializing in team development, and I take the knowledge and experience about leadership and teams from an elite level in military special operations and apply it to organizations.

Unlike other leadership team coaches who are familiar with high performing teams only from what they’ve read about or researched, I apply the practical experience gained from the pinnacle of the SEAL Teams to startup and corporate teams to accelerate how they work together within the larger system (i.e. the organization) and tie their improvements to the bottom line.

Specifically, I help teams see how their thinking and behavior are contributing to the outcome as well as creating unintended consequences. Eventually, my clients develop the ability to conduct this type of self- and team analysis themselves so they can produce the outcomes they want on their own without outside help and with few unintended consequences.

Connect with Jeff on his website: https://www.jeff-boss.com/


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